"Astrology is assured of recognition from Psychology without further restrictions, because ASTROLOGY represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." Carl G. Jung

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So Why Astrology?

Astrology is the language of the Universe. If we can tune in, it reflects back our purpose, the one we have chosen to embrace in this Earth Journey.  In all Spiritual traditions observing and understanding the heavens has been a gateway to wisdom and understanding  of  the Creator (Divine), knowing the Self and the  times .

I my journey I have found embracing the archetypes, myth and the messages of the heavens has brought an expansion and wisdom to my personal journey. As a Coach, Elder and Mentor Astrology is an unmatched tool for both the client and myself to understand their life and journey.  What motivates them. What are their gifts. Their communication style.  Their core wound and what brings healing.

As a coach I consider myself a healer, one who works to bring my clients back into balance and wholeness. This mirrors the Indigenous way of being, to be in balance and harmony with all that is around us.  Astrology offers a way to look at our elemental balance; air, earth, water and fire.  Each of us come with a different elemental influences, and knowing our chart we beginning to understand what drives us, and in what areas we need to apply more intention and focus to create the balance we need.  If we have a great amount of Air in our chart we may be able to communicate well and be intellectually quick but may have a difficult time bringing ideas into the physical realm.  Knowing your chart provides the individual with a level of grace in order to be compassionate to themself and find their way forward using the natural rhythms of planetary energies to create, heal and grow.   

Understand who you are

Why do you react as you do?

What is your Soul Purpose?

Permission to be YOU

How do I work

My goal is to create a safe space for profound and transformational conversations, using the tools of astrology, deep listening, creativity, ceremony, and intention. A place where clients can explore and heal their emotions, obstacles, and challenges. Then engage their passions and action their dreams.

In my journey I have encountered many different modes of spiritual healing and growth. One of the great gifts of this path has been Astrology. Astrology provides a compass and I work as a supportive guide as together we journey toward your healing, passion, and purpose.

What You Need to Begin the Journey




Your Date and Time of Birth


Your Place of Birth


A desire to understand Who You Are, Your Gifts, and Purpose

Contact Allan

You are much more than your SUN sign.

Your moon show how you naturally react in the world, Saturn and the  North Node provide clues to your purpose, the Planet that rules your Ascendant or Rising sign reflects your soul purpose and rules your chart.


"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." - John Muir


We work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your challenges!


Understanding Yourself

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What is my purpose?

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Relationship Interactions

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Challenges and ways through

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Astrology Reading


Set up for a one-on-one session to look at your Astro chart and begin to understand its energetic impact on the life you are living.  You will begin to understand the elemental energies related to your emotions, actions and creativity in the world.  Who you are at the physical and the soul level. 

Astrology Session

Going Deep

Astrology Reading & 2 Coaching Sessions


We start with you Astro reading providing all of what your see in the first level.  However, we now get the opportunity to dive in at a deeper level and work with the specific energies, wounds, and opportunities your chart presents.  It starts with understanding your chart and brings it into creating a way to both accept who you are in the world and finding what you need to create to honor your grand design. 

Contact Allan

Cosmic Deep Dive,

Astrology Reading & 5 Coaching Sessions

$200/month for 3 months

Do you want to do a deep dive into you? Bring healing and focus your purpose and passion? We work twice month for 3 months to let go of the past and move into your future. This is the package to move to the next level.

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